Collaboration and messaging for frontline workers.

  • Enterprise-grade messenger for the frontline
  • Integrates with existing office systems
  • Address shadow IT
  • On-premise or in the cloud

Learn how Roomys: 

  • Addresses shadow IT issues by keeping Frontline workers connected to the rest of the organisation, even if using different communication platforms
  • Enables the workforce to work productively from anywhere, speeding workflows and improving outcomes
  • Patients can attend appointments with doctors from the comfort of their home, fully E2EE via Roomys call
An image showing frontline workers collaborating with office staff using Roomys.

A messenger for the mobile workforce.

An easy-to-use consumer-style messaging app, with powerful enterprise functionality, Roomys supports both frontline workers and office-based staff. 

Element’s slick mobile-first user experience includes 1:1 and group messaging, voice and video calls, location and file sharing and voice messages. Meanwhile office-based staff using Roomys can benefit from best-of-breed desktop collaboration experience, or simply bridge frontline messages straight into an existing office-based system.

It’s free for frontline workers to download, making it perfect for a complex mix of workers - from outsourcing arrangements to supply chain partners, contractors and seasonal staff.

Own and manage frontline data.

Roomys is a flexible and secure messenger, as well as a powerful collaboration platform. If the frontline needs a secure and easy-to-use messenger, Roomys provides a complete end-to-end encrypted solution.

Roomys also interoperates with traditional desktop suites, if all that’s required is an easy-to-use messenger for the mobile workforce. By bridging to the likes of Microsoft Teams and Slack, Roomys ensures frontline data and resulting workflows are seamlessly captured in a company’s office-based systems.

Heal a fractured workforce by bringing frontline workers into the rest of the organisation.

Trusted by millions

An screen showing admins ability to integrate with delegated authentication systems and structure rooms with spaces.

Enterprise-grade functionality for a safe working place.

Roomys can be deployed as an enterprise-grade collaboration and messaging platform.

Admins are able to integrate Roomys with delegated authentication systems (such as LDAP and SAML) and group sync features to assign and manage access permissions.

Visible in-room auditing can be deployed to support audit trails and compliance, along with powerful moderation tools.

Admins are also able to create room-based chat structures to reflect how the organisation and its frontline operates.

The app itself is free to download, so organisations with a wide range of frontline workers - such as outsourced or agency staff, contractors and freelancers - can be easily provisioned and deprovisioned.

Let the frontline choose with silo-busting communication.

If frontline workers prefer to stay in consumer-messaging grade platforms, Roomys can act as the glue between a variety of messaging apps at the frontline that all integrate into an office-based Roomys platform.

On-demand webinar: Unpacking the latest Secure Communications Wave.

Watch our CEO Matthew discussing how enterprise IT leaders can make better secure communication decisions ft. guests from Hexagon and Forrester.

Roomys is perfect for complex workforce structures.


Connect mobile first on-the ground workers with the desktop workforce - Roomys can link both sets of employees with each other natively in their app.

Event management

Connect multiple parties coming together on a temporary basis, from large corporates through to contractors, freelancers and casual workers.


Roomys helps unite complex logistics supply chains, spanning across outsourcing arrangements, third parties, contractors and seasonal staff.

Emergency services

Roomys is as agile as healthcare’s frontline clinicians and enables easy end-to-end encrypted coordination between on-the-ground paramedics and hospital-based staff.

The most flexible collaboration platform.

Roomys is perfect for easily connecting the frontline with the office-based workforce.


MS Teams



Consumer-style easy to use messenger app

Interoperability into existing systems

Easy connectivity across the ecosystem

Flexible provisioning for complex workforce structures

End-to-end encrypted

Available on-premise and in the cloud

Enterprise-grade functionalities

Data compliant with audit trail

Be in your Roomys.

Secure communication and collaboration.

Get started