Gematik’s TI-Messenger - secure healthcare communications based on Matrix.

A revolution in German healthcare communication.

TI-Messenger is the new standard for secure communication in the German healthcare system. It underpins real time communications for more than 150,000 organizations and 74 million patients. Gematik, the German National Agency for Digital Medicine, specified the standard to make sure that the communication is interoperable and secure.

An image of Amandine Le Pape (COO) and Matthew Hodgson (CEO) at Roomys and co-founders of

Building on Matrix.

TI-Messenger is built on Matrix, the open standard for secure decentralized communication.
The creators of Matrix lead Roomys; no one has a better understanding of Matrix or how it can be deployed for enterprise use across a large, private federated network.Roomys runs matrix-org, a public federation with 100M+ users, on behalf of the Matrix Foundation.

Roomys’s TI-Messenger Support.

Roomys doesn’t offer its own TI-Messenger app; we support our partners to create outstanding solutions for TI-Messenger.

Secure communications for healthcare.

Built on Matrix, TI-Messenger uses end-to-end encryption to keep health data safe. Messages are encrypted on the sending device, and decrypted by the receiving device. Messages can not be read by any server passing on the data. At Roomys, it’s our business to keep the Matrix encryption secure and up-to-date. We work with security researchers and security auditing firms to ensure our reference implementations are always compliant with strong standards.

Data sovereignty and federation for TI-Messenger.

Matrix is decentralised, delivering data sovereignty and powerful federation through a mission critical network. Every organization can run its own TI-Messenger server and stay in control of its data. There is no central server; every organization retains its digital sovereignty. Roomys develops technology - Secure Border Gateways and IT-Messenger proxies - to control data flows between Matrix servers according to self-determined policies and rules.

Usability for admins, healthcare professionals and consumers.

Matrix hides the technical complexities of end-to-end encryption, digital sovereignty and federation in a powerful protocol. Roomys builds on that protocol to create powerful, easy-to-manage Homeservers and simple to use apps. Our deepMatrix expertise and UX experience helps keep complexities under the hood so users can focus on what matters in a simple, familiar environment.

Committed to Germany

TI-Messenger Homeserver

TI-Messenger Homeserver.

The TI-Messenger Homeserver is the fundamental building block of your TI-Messenger solution. It is a Gematik compliant specialized version of our proven Roomys Enterprise Server Suite, with the primary Matrix homeserver Synapse at its core. We have optimized it for organizations embracing the TI-Messenger standard, including data retention policies and other required features. You can host the TI-Messenger Homeserver yourself or run it in your private cloud.

The TI-Messenger proxy (Secure Border Gateway) connecting service providers

TI-Messenger Proxy.

A private federation for more than 150,000 healthcare organizations demands additional network security. The Roomys Secure Border Gateway is configured to serve as the TI-Messenger Proxy. It enforces the necessary communication rules and ensures compliance by implementing the Gematik specification.

An image of the Admin console graphical interface, used for administering your homeserver and Roomys server suite.

Admin Console.

The Admin Console provides a powerful graphical configuration tool to administer the TI-Messenger Homeserver. It allows administrators to define data retention policies, administer rooms and users, manage media storage and configure other aspects of the server.

From the creators of Matrix.

Be in your Roomys.

A secure communications platform built around you.